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General / Mass Sightings

The number of documented general sightings in the modern age numbers approximately 120,000, of which 20,000 have been described as landings. Numerous surveys and opinions polls conducted over the last 50 years consistently report that between 5%-10% of the US population has seen what they consider to be a UFO. According to the United Nations, since 1947, approximately 150 million people have been witnesses to UFO sightings throughout the world

articles & documents

Comprehensive Catalog of 1,500 Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns (Version 1.1) (PDF Format) PDF Document
Brad Sparks
Contains an extensive listing of 1,500 UFO sightings and cases from the US Air Force Project Bluebook files that remained 'unknown' or 'unidentified' after investigation. This is out of a total of 12,000. The original number of 'unknowns' in Project Bluebook was approx. 700, however this author has compiled an extended listing of 'unknowns' higher than the 'official' and original number of 700 'unknowns'. This catalog by the author contains 1,500 'unknowns' from Bluebook.

The Condon Report: Cases 1-10 (Cases Predating the Term of the Project)
The Condon Report
In-depth cases (10 in number) investigated and reported on in the major UFO study, the Condon Report

The Condon Report: Cases 11-45 (Cases During Term of Project)
The Condon Report
In-depth investigations of 35 cases from the Condon Report.

The Condon Report: Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects
The Condon Report
Full text of the Condon Report, conducted by the University of Colorado with the US Air Force, under the directorship of Dr. Edward U. Condon. In the late 1960's, the United States Air Force issued a contract to the University of Colorado to carry out a scientific study of evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon. The Condon Report contains approx. 60 in-depth cases - located under 'Section IV' entitled 'Case Studies'.

The Project Bluebook 'Unknowns'
Don Berliner, FUFOR (NICAP website)
The unexplained UFO reports from the files of the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book UFO investigations. Compiled by Don Berliner, for the Fund for UFO Research. Contains the original 700 Project Bluebook 'Unknowns', i.e. UFO sightings and cases from Project Bluebook that remained 'unidentified' after investigation' (out of 12,000 cases). Includes brief summary descriptions of the sightings.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Eighty Years of Pilot Sightings (1,300 sightings) (PDF format) PDF Document
Dominique Weinstein
This is a case file of 1,300 Aviation related UAP observations dating from 1916 to the present. This is a fascinating and useful tool to develop an understanding of the threads of commonalties underlying many UAP cases. Extensive catalog and collection of over 1,300 pilot sightings compiled by Dominique Weinstein.

websites & organizations

*U* UFO Database
Compiled and developed by Larry Hatch
The *U* UFO DATABASE is a serious 16+ year effort to catalog, map, and perform statistical functions on a filtered set of UFO sightings throughout history. As of January, 2001 *U* holds over 17,750 carefully filtered UFO events distilled from hundreds of books, major journals, catalogs, downloads and other sources. "Junk" sightings ( night-lights, fireballs, discovered hoaxes etc.) are systematically filtered out. Otherwise, *U* would hold several times the present number of listings. Scope is world-wide, for all dates from antiquity to the present.

Chronological Catalog Of Interesting UFO Sightings
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
These are selected cases of general interest or historical value. From the Temporal Doorway online database / catalog by Mark Cashman. Approximately 800 cases listed here in this online database / catalog.

Filer's Files (MUFON Skywatch Investigations)
Editor: George A. Filer - MUFON Eastern Director
Filer's Files is a weekly compilation of UFO related events and stories. Three years of full archives since 1998 are available in complete form online. George Filer is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a nonprofit UFO investigative and research organization started in 1969. George Filer is the New Jersey State Director and the Eastern Regional Director for the 21 Eastern States as well as Puerto Rico and US Caribbean Islands.

National UFO Reporting Center
The National UFO Reporting Center, located in Seattle, WA, was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center's primary function over the past two decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events. The principal means used by the Center to receive sighting reports is its telephone hotline, which has operated almost continuously since 1974. During that period, the hotline has processed many tens of thousands of calls, and the Center has distributed its information to thousands of individuals. The hotline is well known by law enforcement agencies, FAA ARTCC's and flight service stations, National Weather Services offices, military facilities, NASA, and many 911 emergency dispatch centers all across the United States and in many parts of Canada. Those entities routinely direct the calls they receive regarding possible UFO sightings to the Center.

National UFO Reporting Center - Report Index by Month
NUFOC - National UFO Reporting Center
Sightings reports index by month.

National UFO Reporting Center Online Database
NUFORC, National UFO Reporting Center
Current UFO sightings reports reported to NUFORC, the National UFO Reporting Center, a leading source of current UFO sightings reports. NUFORC receives approx. 200-300 UFO sighting reports on its website every month. This is the index page for their online database of reports. This page provides links to view the reports sorted in several formats: by event date, by state, by shape of ufo, and by date posted. These are actual raw ufo reports as submitted to NUFORC. Each report contains a brief description, as well as a link to a full written description of the sighting as reported by the witness.

NICAP: UFO Sightings Listed by Category
Extensive collection of special categories and types of UFO sightings compiled by NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerlial Phenomenon), organized by category or special type of sighting. Includes: Close encounters, EM effects, animal encounters, abduction, physical evidence and trace cases, entity cases (CE-III & CE-IV), photo and video evidence, radar cases, radiation cases, and pilot sightings. Mostly compiled from original, early NICAP files.

The Magonia Database - A Century of UFO Landings ((1868-1968)
Compiled by Jacques Vallee
A Century of UFO Landings (1868-1968) Compiled by Jacques Vallee The Magonia Database was compiled by Jacques Vallee and published in his book "Passport to Magonia." Over two decades ago, eminent scientist Vallee wrote a provocative book about alleged UFO landings, folklore, and certain unexplained phenomena. That long-out-of-print book--which discussed the most interesting reports of more than 1,000 apparently reliable witnessess--has become a classic. (Contains almost 1,000 sightings reports, focusing on UFO landings)

The Temporal Doorway UFO Catalog
Mark Cashman, The Temporal Doorway
This database includes: The Project 1947 EM Effects catalog, which consists of previously uncataloged EM Effects cases, a portion of the BUFORA Vehicle Interference Catalog, and all of the Preliminary Catalog of Australian Vehicle Interference Effects (Basterfield and Jackson)); Jacques Vallee's Magonia catalog; Other cases not related specifically to EM effects (such as the cases from the Chronological Catalog). The database consists of about 2000 cases, some with detailed summaries.

UFO Casebook: Project Blue Book Sighting Reports - Full Case Reports by Year
NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), Francis Ridge
This selection of "UFO CASEBOOK" contains the Blue Book "Unknowns" and will soon provide the best links to these cases (where available). Appropriate additions to these and other Casebook files, in particular, those filed AFTER Blue Book closed down in December of 1969, will eventually be provided by reputable private researchers and official UFO organizations.

UFO Roundup
by Joseph Trainor
UFO Roundup is a weekly compilation of UFO related events and stories. Five years of full archives since 1996 are available in complete form online. Together, they form an extensive collection of UFO reports and sightings from around the world.

UFO Roundup - Listings by Country
Joseph Trainor, Editor
UFO Roundup is a weekly compilation of UFO related events and stories. Together, they form an extensive collection of UFO reports and sightings from around the world. - Index of all UFO Roundup UFO sightings reports listed by country.

UFOCAT Database
From CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies)
UFOCAT99 refers to a computer database of over 109,000 UFO reports and related information released in May 1999. It is theresult of a 30-year effort that began during the Air Force sponsored Colorado UFO Project, also known as the “Condon Committee.” UFOCAT was begun by Dr. David R. Saunders, who at the time was a co-Principal Investigator on the Colorado UFO study andprofessor of Psychology at the University of Colorado. Dr. Jacques Vallee contributed a large computer catalogue of approximately 6,000 cases at the project’s inception. (Available for order from CUFOS, on CD-ROM - Not available online)

UFOs at Close Sight: Cases Database
UFOs at Close Sight
This is a chronologically sorted list of all the cases mentioned or thoroughly documented on the 'UFOs at Close Sight' (an excellent sight from France with excellent documentation on the UFO phenomenon).

UFOs at Close Sight: Latest News - Latest / Recent UFO Sightings Reports
UFOs at Close Sight
This page provides information on recent events, latest UFO observations, sightings and report, as well as news of interest. This website / page, part of the excellent 'UFOs at Close Sight' website from France, contains an excellent collection of frequent and numerous current UFO cases being reported each month.

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